What We Do

WhiLab was started to develop innovative products and services by combining industry best practices with unique ideas for solving problems. To do this, we leverage the combined knowledge, skills, and abilities of management consultants, software engineers, business analysts, and data scientists.

Assessments and Training

The products we have developed, are developing, or will develop through the WhiLab represent a way to give back to the community as well as service untapped markets by taking the lessons we learned and sharing this knowledge with others. We tailor specific programs to the needs and maturity of specific organizations and groups.

Professional Services

The main fuel for the WhiLab is learning through experience. We are constantly looking for ways to improve the processes and methods organizations use to operate by bringing out of the box ideas and unconventional thinking that do not implement change through consensus building, but create shared understanding through common sense.

Dedicated Staffing

The WhiLab team has a diverse array of experience across several cultures and industries as well as federal, state, and local governments and non-profit organizations. The team has multiple graduate degrees in various fields of study and several certifications (Six Sigma Black Belt, PMP®, CSM®, ITIL®, CISA®, etc.).

Technical Support

We not only utilize people and processes to the best of our abilities, we also focus heavily on bringing advanced technology solutions to our clients. We provide a thorough analysis of the alternatives to each situation and have relationships with multiple vendors ranging from specialized practices like accounting and law to emerging fields like artificial intelligence.

How We Do It

The tools, techniques, and templates we provide will be centered around specific assessments and training courses used to help create things, change organizations, and disrupt industries.


  • In the Ideate phase we will teach you Business Basics to determine the product market fit around your problem or solution, legal structure for your entity, and other specifics like finance and accounting to manage your programs and projects.
  • During the Formulate phase you will learn to Design for Development to obtain your brand identity, user experience to share your story, and agile methods to organize and prioritize your tasks and activities as well as how to use Tech Tools like web and mobile apps to deliver your solutions.
  • The Accelerate phase will take everything to the next level by using advanced analytics and leading data science methods as well as Sales Success formulas to advertise, monetize and grow your organization through paid, print and digital marketing.


  • Most organizations can save a significant amount of time and money when they Integrate their various redundant systems and processes to conduct the most essential tasks. We will use the Start Me Up methodology to determine what your future state model should look like.
  • After it is determined what can be integrated, there is a significant amount of planning required to Consolidate the numerous business functions in order to achieve the desired results. The Mark Me Up segment will explain how this can be realized and define specific implementation steps.
  • The end goal is to Automate routine tasks and activities using advanced technologies and emerging solutions to free up personnel and resources to focus on the customer.


  • We plan on offering courses in Advanced Technologies mentioned or highlighted during the Create and Change courses as well as on hot topics such as artificial intelligence and machine learning by breaking down the concepts into the key components. Several of these courses will offer certifications in the particular subject matter or solution.
  • We also want to make the WhiLab a place of continual learning and experimentation with Emerging Solutions that may have the ability to change the way we all live and operate. Therefore, we plan on bringing in subject matter experts to speak at events, conduct demos of fascinating tools, and explore a myriad of topics together. These may include blockchain and cryptocurrencies, virtual and augmented reality, quantum computing, and other interesting areas.

What We Offer

Our services range across the myriad of issues we notice our clients are facing in multiple different industries and cultures around the globe.

Idea Generation & Development
Entrepreneurship 101

The ability to bring a concept to reality is a major accomplishment in and of itself. We will assist in the creation of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for branding and marketing ideas using Lean Startup methods, design thinking, and other techniques we have employed to launch successful businesses to different industries.

Software Design & Engineering
White Label Technologies

The concept behind the WhiLab is to do research and development on products that can be replicated for multiple purposes. We call these "white label" technologies (WhiLab is the first half of each word combined) as they end up being standard templates that can be used across projects and leveraged by all our customers.

Customer Growth & Marketing
Increase Brand Awareness

An idea may produce interest, but in order to generate revenues, and most importantly profits, it must be able to expand its user base. We look at different market trends and insights to gain momentum for customers by using ad buying, search engine optimization, competitive intelligence, niche marketing, viral campaigns, etc.

Big Data &

Information Management

The explosion of data that we now find ourselves surrounded in does not have to be as complicated as it seems. We provide solutions to extract, transform, and load unstructured and structured data using common data standards as well as provide advanced analytic (i.e., social media) and visualization capabilities.

Strategic Planning & Communications
Leadership and Performance

The strategic mission and vision of any organization is essential towards achieving its growth potential. We support leadership teams in establishing strategies along with corresponding key performance indicators (KPIs) and business intelligence tools to measure the success of each goal and objective throughout the organization.

Portfolio Management
Programs, Projects and Quality

Whether it is the numerous systems and applications that an organization must manage or the stove piped processes that need to be streamlined, we create centers of excellence to reengineer and improve processes throughout the organization using SAFe®, PMBOK®, CMMI®, ISO®, Lean Six Sigma and other industry standards.

Governance, Risk & Compliance
Laws, Regulations and Policies

Organizations now face a plethora of legal challenges and diverse risks from multiple sources. We have highly trained staff that can help appropriately structure the design of the organization, create appropriate governance bodies and committees, leverage experts, and focus on risks such as insider threat, and fraud, waste, and abuse.

Cyber Security & Protection
Detective and Preventive Controls

Every business needs to be concerned with the potential that a cyber attack can exploit any known or unknown vulnerabilities. We will assist in the development of a security apparatus that protects sensitive data and intellectual property of the organization with mitigation plans in the case of any incidents or unwarranted exposure.

Who We Are

At WhiLab we pride ourselves on having a team of world class people that are rich in life experience, can articulate clearly, have enough charisma to keep your attention, and are fun to be around.

Business/Mission Analysts

  • Requirements Management
  • Business Process Improvement and Reengineering
  • Quality Control
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • Market Research
  • Training

Systems/Software Engineers

  • Technology Architecture
  • Full-Stack Development
  • Backend Development
  • Frontend Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Web Development
  • Cloud Computing
  • Infrastructure
  • DevSecOps


  • Business Intelligence
  • Information Science
  • Master Data Management
  • Data Mining/ETL
  • Data Visualization
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Advanced Mathematics
  • Social Media

Product Designers

  • Branding
  • Marketing
  • Advertising
  • UI/UX Design
  • Graphic Design
  • User Research
  • Content Creation
  • Search Engine Optimization

Project Managers

  • Growth Hacking
  • Capital Fundraising
  • Schedule Development
  • Resource Planning
  • Cost Estimating
  • Quality Assurance
  • Risk Management
  • Change Control
  • Performance Reporting

Management Consultants

  • Strategy and Innovation
  • Shared Services and Outsourcing
  • Supply Chain Operations
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Acquisition/Procurement
  • Human Capital
  • Compliance
  • Communications

What We Work With

Represented below are some of the different solutions we frequently use in our technology stack as well as support we can provide.

Dollars Saved

Data Analyzed

Hour Support

Days a Year

How to Get in Touch

Please reach out. We would like to hear what you have to say!
